Nicolas, Head of Production
of an own-brand pizza factory
THE situation
before ActiMeat
« I have a problem with the end result regarding my pizzas which are topped with meat. In terms of taste, I can’t manage to get the taste of roast meat that I’m looking for. »
Currently, IQF raw meat in 20kg (3.15 stone) bags with a diameter of 6mm (0.24 inches) is pre-cooked on a grill by us in such a way that the pieces are drained before they cool down. Application of the relevant amounts on pizzas is carried out by means of manually placing the meat on pizzas, so this thus means that the cost price is high and as well we lose a lot of raw material because of the cooking technique.
ActiMeat was consulted about a range of oven-cooked products which contain beef, with a view to supplying 100 tonnes of French beef.
an exclusive
cooking process
ActiMeat provides VBF meat (VBF is a French beef label) with a diameter of 5mm (0.20 inches)
and 10% fat, which undergoes an innovative process entailing the cooking and cooling of the meat and the absorption of meatcooking juices, which enables the juiciness of the raw material to be controlled.
This processing technique produces pellet-shaped IQF pieces of meat which can be put onto products
in the desired quantities by means of vibration, without wasting any raw material. It also ensures that pizzas have an optimal appearance, in terms of the perception of end consumers.
quality criteria
ActiMeat, by means of this product application «without heat treatment after ingredient dosing» on the part of the manufacturer, provides a higher standard of quality criteria (i.e. bacteriological, physico-chemical and testing).
The discharge controls guarantee the conformity of the product, they constitute approval, and enable use to proceed smoothly and efficiently.
ActiMeat controls the nonenzymatic Maillard chemical reaction, which, during cooking, defines the reaction between amino acids and reducing sugars which gives roast meats their characteristic taste.
Thus, by infinitely varying cooking and cooling parameters, ActiMeat modifies the reaction process, and
the differences as regards results can be impressive depending on the taste sought.