puff pasty and pies

Bénédicte, industrial manager
of a major brand
the situation
before ActiMeat
« We currently offer our customers a range of poultry-based puff pastry. As consumer habits have changed, we want to offer a 100% plant-based alternative. We have particular expectations in terms of taste so that the puff pastry is spicy. What can you offer us and above all have us test?” »
To date, this product range has been made from selected poultry mince with added flavour ingredients. The meat is baked in the oven before being incorporated into the puff pastry. The mixture is then placed in the oven again to cook the mixture.
ActiMeat has been consulted on the puff pastry range in order to propose an original 100% plant-based recipe for a supply of 350 tons.
of a tailor-made recipe
The ActiMeat R&D department offers various sources of plant-based proteins based on peas, wheat and soya. Its expertise and know-how enable the development of tailor-made recipes. Blends of vegetables, spices and natural ingredients provide the right solution.
in product flavours
The R&D teams developed a pea-based mince product with integrated vegetables for their client to enhance the taste and replace minced meat while respecting the Veggie claim. With a diameter of 6 mm and a suitable weight, the quantities can be accurately measured out for preparation.
and validation
In order to fully meet the customer’s expectations, the mince products have undergone quality tests and have been validated by an internal tasting panel. Samples were then sent to the customer to validate the flavour, texture and appearance.